Friday, February 12, 2010


During my reading of some professions in the books of graphic artists guides and ethical practices I came across and wide range of information. Details were very intense or a little vague. I felt there was a divide in the general idea of what kind of work it is and the process of executing. The executing part is always going to change but will really help during actual projects. So I read over chart mapping book jacket or cover design and environmental signage. These are some of the most interesting things to me and go along with the kind of designer I am.

Under chart mapping I thought it was interesting that billable expenses can include: reference materials, travel, messengers, miscellaneous art supplies, and digital out by an imaging center. I was most surprised by travel and messengers. I really like being apart of that data collection and necessary research to influence the project and its nice to know that in chart mapping this should be covered.

Reading through publication design I thought it was interesting book jacket designs lead to a high rate of rejection. As a designers and publishers we take the risk and should indicate a rejection fee reflecting the amount of work complete at the time of the project's termination.

Environmental signage is something I like but feel I would need to study under an architect for awhile to get a better idea of rules and regulations of building in the environment. I really liked that two thirds of environmental graphic design firms range from 1-15 people with annual fees ranging from $100,000 to 2 million! WOW. I found it interesting that useful studies for environmental graphic signage include architectural drafting, 2D & 3D design software, packaging, psychology, fine art, literature, and cultural anthropology.

these are just a few things I can across in this brief reading. The info in this book is pretty dense and detail and will take me multiple reads to engrain these important guidelines into everyday practice.