Josh E and I have narrowed our activity of finding a city that is right for you to people that are 21-35 and have a BA degree in architecture looking for a new place to start there career. We have split our community of architects into two categories that will help someone decide on a location right for them. These two categories are personal and work related. Through our understanding of college graduates with a BA in architecture the field can be very competitive and tremendously dependent on location. Once someone has graduated we will try to propose thriving cities and compare values that are personal and work related. A goal is to motivate and bring a sense of community to the driven graduate looking to progress in their professional career. Some activities would involve the interests of staying current with architectural advances such as lectures, technology, grants/fiunding, and city growth.
Physical boundaries: Since architecture can be employed almost anywhere the boundaries are fairly broad and could expand to the entire globe. There are also considerations such as geography. What climate is ideal, and what cities are in need of development? Architects also consider building codes and laws, financial resources, natural resources, and maintaining a safe clean environment.
What/Who's involved: City Officials, Government Funding. Approving a project is a big step in architecture but affects a larger community with increasing taxes and providing museums, venues, and entertainment to a broad spectrum of individuals. Architecture creates jobs and strengthens city investments.
Equipment needs: public support, building supplies, engineering tools, drafting table, computer software, safety regulations. industrial machinery, construction crews, hard hats, money, surveyors, ect.